Josef Goebbels ( born 29. Oktober 1897 in Rheydt ; died 1. Mai 1945 in Berlin)
This guy scares me much more than the failed painter, because he influenced the German language more than the man with the mustache. When you don’t belive me read “Lingua tertii imperii”, a book from Victor Klemperer (btw. also a survivor of the Holocaust). Goebbels was the head of the NSDAP propaganda. He was the one who had screamed this terrible question “Do want the total war?!” and the people shouted in raged agony “YEAH”
What is much more scaring is the obvious fact, that propaganda cannot work, when there is no ground to grow on.
I would like to take a thread from the German journalist Gerhard Wisnewski who writes every year a critical retrospect. Wisnewski argued that Bin Laden, Hussein and the other leaders, deemed for god or not, are having people behind them. Those people are just the head of a group. And when you cut of the head, you still got the group. So when you cut of Hitler, Goebbels, Mengele, Röhm and all the other what is left over? It was the people who supported them, maybe because of fear or maybe they believed in them, nevertheless they supported them.
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