Wilhelm Busch (born 15. April 1832 in Wiedensahl; died 9. Januar 1908 in Mechtshausen)
When you are thinking of comics, Wilhelm Busch is most likely not the very first person you think of even when you are from Germany. But the fact is, that he is one of the most important comic artist of our country, but his work is mostly called pictured stories. It is the same difference like between graphic novels and sequential art, there is no such thing.
They are all different names for the same thing. Maybe one of the reasons is, that he was recognized as an caricaturist paired with the fact, that comic is an English word and came up decades later What makes his work even more interesting is that he tells his stories in rhymes and they are not all only for children. Our Disney and Nickelodeon influenced today Point of View is just focused on the fact that drawn stories are for children in the first place.

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