One of these more relatable heroes is Bruce Banner aka The Hulk. And he is a very special candidate, first because I’d like to read his adventures from the wonderful Peter David and second his reputations as a BRL are several lone standing points, but they are all building on each other.
Let’s have a look:
- His father killed his mother
- He killed his father by accident in an action of self defense. And one more time we have an orphaned protagonist, because it’s inadequate to maintain his parents as a hero nor are they allowed to die by natural causes. Seriously, as soon as one of my later kids is putting on a costume I will run for life.
- After a freak accident he became The Hulk, a monster. Every time when his pulse gets to high he changes in the strong but slow minded Persona or no wait it’s the moon what causes his changes. Other ones become good or at least stable powers. And that brings me to the next point:
- He is hunted by the government because he is a public menace as The Hulk.
- Those events lead to a split personality he shares his head currently with three versions of the hulk (I am not kidding)
- His big love was killed by one of his archnemesis’(Here we say hello to the Woman in Refrigerators!)

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